Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Developmentally Appropriate Practices Essay Example for Free

Developmentally Appropriate Practices Essay Feedback is a very important aspect in teaching any subject but it is most important in an algebra class. This is because there are many instances when particular students tend to repeat implicit errors hidden in their solutions. In a large class, it is unmanageable to study each of the student’s solutions in order to find just what the student is doing wrong. Therefore, it is more practical to provide feedback in collaboration with members of the class. This is done by letting students present their solutions to homework or quizzes on the board. Afterwards, the solutions are not only checked but critiqued by their classmates for errors which the teacher providing guided questions. This way, students will be able to see how errors are committed and avoid them in the future. They would also be able to interact which addresses a social need at their stage of development. In any classroom, it is important that students are free to think about all the possibilities of the knowledge presented to them. One way of addressing this is through giving very practical problems which groups of students can solve independently through methodologies that they themselves would think of based on the current lesson. This strategy allows the students to interact and think autonomously about how best to address the problem. Of course, not all students are the same and the teacher should have a way of figuring out their individual needs and learning styles. This can be solved by administering questionnaires at the beginning of the course that can determine the learning styles of the different members of the class. Based on the results, the teacher can now better plan how instruction would be delivered to obtain maximum effectiveness. Lastly, the teacher should inspire the class to love the subject and see its value in the real world. This can be done through ample input of real world applications. In presenting word problems, their applications to real life should not be superficial. I explore the use of models, multimedia, and hands-on experiments in order to be able to let students completely visualize the real-life value of the problem. TPE 7 Teaching English Learners (1 Page) Students who are learning English as a second language are often at a disadvantage in a typical math class because they end up having a hard time understanding the discussions due to the language barrier. In occasions when there are members of the class that are not native English speakers, the first intervention that I employ is to always remember to use more basic English when delivering subject content. For example, when discussing about solutions of quadratic equations, I have to make it clear that the terms solutions, zeroes, and roots all just mean the answers as to what is â€Å"x† or whatever variable I am using. Another way to facilitate more effective instruction in a class of English as a Second Language (ESL) learners is to incorporate culturally relevant examples in lessons. Using objects, places, and people that are familiar to ESL learners in word problems help them associate the content of the problem with its solution better and motivate them to try and answer the problem because it has develops a better meaning for them. Of course, there must be appropriate balance of culturally relevant examples used and there should be ample input of popular culture examples as well. Finally, when there are students who are really having a hard time understanding English in class, I make it a point to use as few words as I can and describe lessons in terms of symbols and numbers instead of words. When explaining how to get the solution of an equation such as 2x – 4 = 7, I will not go on explaining about transposing one number from the rest and changing the sign. Instead, I will show the students that by adding a +4 on both sides, I would not really be violating the equality and the same is true when I divide both sides of the equation by 2 afterwards. By showing the solution in this manner, I give less verbal explanations and more visual ones which would be better appreciated and absorbed by learners who do not understand the common language of instruction so well.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Chushingura :: essays research papers

In the play Chushingura, retainers have the highest respect for their masters. Retainers in this play will fight to the death to honor their masters. Loyalty is expected of each retainer even if the samurai must disturb public order to honor their master’s name. Enya’s retainers stay loyal to him even after his death. Forty-seven men swore to revenge their master’s death, risking their lives and disturbing public order. Even when a retainer fails his duty, he will seppuku so to die honorable for his failure. For example, Kampei believes he has shot his father in law because of the bag of gold the mistress described that Yoichibei was carrying. In reality Kamei shot Yoichibei’s killer, but ironically Kampei believes he has shot Yoichibei himself. Kampei seppuku’s for a horrible crime that he unknowingly didn’t commit because it was so dishonorable to him. Suicide was his only way to die with any honor. Kampei portrayed so much loyalty for his family that when he believes he has failed, he commits suicide. Kampei is allowed to join the attack on Moronao after the retainers see his loyalty to his family. Enya, on his deathbed, tells Yuranosuke to avenge his death. Now it is Yuranosuke’s duty to ful fill his master’s request. Enya’s loyal retainers form a group of forty-seven men and conspire to kill Moronao to honor their master. The retainers wear black and white coats that symbolize unfailing loyalty when they invade Moronao’s compound and behead him. Samurai’s have a duty to be loyal and fulfill the request of his master. Justice is a theme that the play implies about the samurai. Throughout the play Moronao insulted people, so in the ending, Enya’s retainers serve justice. For example, Moronao insults Wakasanosuke because lady Kaoyo turns him down. Wakasanosuke plans to kill him and is ready to

Monday, January 13, 2020

Freedmen’s Bureau Act of 1865 Essay

The Freedmen’s Bureau was a government agency enacted March 3, 1865. The purpose of this organization was to aid and protect the newly freed slaves in the south after the Civil War. This was a very influential agency and some people would find it to be a major influence in the life of newly freed slaves. In this paper I will explain to you the purpose, the events that led up to the Freedmen’s Bureau, and the people that influenced the Freedmen’s Bureau. The purpose of the bureau was to provide food and medical care to the freedmen of the south. This bureau was only supposed to be in effect for one year; however, congress extended it contrary to the veto Andrew Johnson. In addition to providing food and medical care to the freedmen of the south; the bureau also helped to manage abandon property, establish schools, and regulate labor. The bureau was successful in educating the freedmen, but was very unsuccessful in establishing land. It was very hard for the newly freed slaves to own land or anything for that manner and it took a very long time to establish anything major for them. Later on after the act was established the freedmen were granted 85,000 acres of land but President Andrew Johnson revoked the land and gave it to the Confederate landowners. After the land was revoked the bureau focused on employment for the freedmen. They were able to acquire employment working on plantations; however, this became a problem when they became sharecroppers and tenant farmers. The bureau had many problems but all in all they did work hard to help the newly freed slaves establish the rights that they weren’t able to obtain. The freedmen’s bureau was established on the sympathy of a Civil War hero. He felt sorry for the blacks that had to transition from captivity to freedom so suddenly. After President Johnson unconstitutionally vetoed the bill, congress passed the bill over his veto. Whites in the south were opposed to African Americans having rights, and the bureau didn’t have the proper military force in place to establish any authority. Eventually the military had the move to the western frontier. The bureau’s work stemmed the establishment of the government involving themselves with social welfare and labor relations. I will now explain the people that played a significant role in influencing and implementing the freedmen’s bureau. The freedmen’s bureau was initiated by former President Abraham Lincoln. It was also headed by Union Army General Oliver O. Howard. George Ruby was an African American teacher and administrator that was the bureau’s inspector. He helped to establish school for African Americans and he also inspected the field officer’s that worked within the bureau. Unfortunately under the leadership of President Ulysses S. Grant, the bureau was disbanded. According to history the freedmen’s bureau was not very successful. Out of all of the promises that were made to the newly freed African Americans, very few were kept. Essentially they were left to fend for themselves. Promises such as employment and some education were kept. The promises for land and racial equality were not kept and this enraged the supporters of the bureau and the African Americans themselves. If the bureau would have had the proper financial backing and the proper number of staff it probably would have been very successful. Being that the bureau let the freedmen down by not providing the necessary funds, land, and education they lost faith in the United States government. The bureau has been labeled a failure by historians. In essence the Freedmen’s Bureau was a relief organization set in place to help freedmen transition from slavery to the free world. Many promises such as land, employment, racial equality, and education were promised; but very few promises were kept. The bureau was underfunded and undermanned and the necessary resources hadn’t been set in place for it to thrive like it was supposed to.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Kant And Kant s Philosophy - 2023 Words

Immanuel Kant was an exceptional philosopher who often fantasized about the wonders of the human perception. Through the power of imagination in the human mind Kant was able to postulate possible answers to the great questions of existence. He was daring and bold to wonder what constitutes the beauty of the human soul, how the existence of an all-powerful entity would be possible, and also what do human beings really do to perceive their surroundings. With such notable works as Critiques of Practical Reason, Metaphysics of Morals, and Critique of Judgement, Kant attempted to answer these great questions. Kant asked powerful questions, questions that would have and still do have a lot of controversy surrounding them today. Kant often debated the differences between rationalist and empirical approaches to philosophical issues. Not only were his methods ingenious, but additionally somewhat unorthodox. With this in mind, what did Kant exactly aim to why he abandoned traditional philosoph ical approaches in his works such as Critiques of Practical Reason and Metaphysics of Morals? Also what prompted him to answer such philosophical conundrums regarding the perception and experience of the self? And finally what exactly was his stance on perceivable reality and the complexity of our world? First, what inspired Kant to abandon traditional and established thoughts of philosophy regarding his views of the human experience? In order to think about this, one must consider the state ofShow MoreRelatedKant And Kant s Moral Philosophy Essay1709 Words   |  7 PagesMoral Philosophy Every moral philosopher has their own moral approach and method to arriving at a moral decision. This is an overview of Kant, Mill, Aristotle and Held s moral approaches as well as their similarities and differences to each other. Kant s main point in The Categorical Imperative is that the morality of one s actions should be judged based on the motives behind the action. Kant also states that the only correct maxims are those which are universal laws. According to Kant, ourRead MoreKant And Kant s Philosophy1657 Words   |  7 Pagesuniversal a priori condition which alone things can become objects of our cognition in general[.]† -Immanuel Kant, p 20 of Critique of Judgment This quote most aptly describes Kant’s purpose in writing a critique of aesthetic judgment, with the most important term being â€Å"transcendental.† The Oxford Dictionary defines the word as â€Å"presupposed in and necessary to experience† (what Kant refers to as a priori). In this sense, it is something that pertains to elements of human experience and thenRead MoreKant s Philosophy Of Philosophy1220 Words   |  5 Pagesfrom the philosophical teachings of David Hume, when Immanuel Kant—Father of Western philosophy—entered the picture. Kant’s â€Å"central question was whether metaphysics—as the science of being itself—objects as they exist fundamentally and independently of our perceptions and interpretations, is possible† (Richards 1). It is said that Kant was sent to rescue philosophy from the hands of Hume. After consulting Hume’s works, however, Kant came to the â€Å"conclusion that metaphysics was no t possible, butRead MoreKant s Philosophy Of Philosophy2351 Words   |  10 Pagesphilosopher, tutor and professor, Immanuel Kant, contributed highly complex deontological works of philosophy during the time of the Age of Enlightenment—an era when learned men in society urged others to live according to reason and individualism, rather than continuing simply to follow tradition. This was a time for questioning, for employing scientific, evidentiary knowledge where once there had been action only according to faith, to unsupported beliefs. Kant s works aided in bringing important changesRead MoreImmanuel Kant And Kant s Philosophy Essay2094 Words   |  9 PagesImmanuel Kant in his work â€Å"An answer to the Question: What is Enlightenment?† reflects his understanding of immaturity as the main source for not being enlighten(p.41). It is true that Kant animalized human beings ,â€Å"It is so easy to be immature† is best understood as an attack towards human b eings’ because of our naivetà ©. It is only normal for us to apprehend knowledge from others. Immanuel Kant emphasizes on the lack of self-esteem, caring, and trustworthiness in ourselves. The lack of zeal toRead MoreKant And Kant s Theory Of Philosophy953 Words   |  4 PagesINFLUENCED BY: Kant was influenced by the scientist known for discovering gravity, Isaac Newton. Kant viewed the universe in a very mechanistic way, i.e., things operated according to fixed rules and emphasized the pre-eminence of reason as an authority for knowledge. It was this emphasis on reason that lead him towards his deontological theory, therefore he was concerned with the actions, not the consequences. Kant theory was influenced by: †¢ Religion: Kant thinking was used in Britain to challengeRead MoreKant And Kant s Philosophy On Ethics970 Words   |  4 Pagesas-moral principles that govern a person s or group s behavior. Is there a universal ethical behavior ? Are all countries ethical ? Theses very same questions many philosophers have tried to figure through time from Socrates to Immanuel kant (and to this very day for the matter!). While comparing two great eathist Plato and Immanuel Kant I, the writer argue that Kant s ideological views on ethics were far superior to Plato’s due to several factors. For one Kant was born in a more recent time and isRead MoreImmanuel Kant s Philosophy And Philosophy1389 Words   |  6 PagesResearch Paper- Immanuel Kant Immanuel Kant was a famous philosopher whose philosophical influences impacted almost every new philosophical idea, theory, concept etc. In a sense, he was considered the central face of contemporary philosophy. Kant spent his whole life in Russia. Starting out as a tutor, to then a professor, he lectured about everything; from geography to obviously philosophy. In his early life, he was raised to emphasize faith and religious feelings over reason and theological principlesRead MoreKant s Philosophy On Moral Philosophy Essay1519 Words   |  7 PagesAlthough Kant s philosophy, outlined in The Groundwork for the Metaphysics of Morals, has some value as a moral guide, it alone is not always sufficient. After analysing Kant s objective moral imperative, I will show that implementing his philosophy has the potential to permit what is considered to be immoral. This is due to its rigid conditions, which are formed on the basis that he believes in the existence of a perfect morality that always holds true. However, I will argue that there is notRead MoreImmanuel Kant s Philosophy On Philosophy844 Words   |  4 Pagesnot know where and what to follow. Therefore, many philosophers came up with ideas to convince people to live  ¨better ¨. Rationalism related with the overview of mathematical approaches into philosophy during the period by the major rationalist figures such as Descartes, Leibniz and Spinoza developed people ´s way of thinking in many different ways. Rationalism is perspective which engages the rational and deductive reason, an opposite structure from personal experience or teachings as the foundation